10% down payment
5% after 3 months
rest on 7 years equal instalments
Galala average prices:
1 bedroom + garden (4 units only): 60 meters + 60 meters garden
Price: 1.2 million
2 bedroom typical (8 units only):
96 meters
Price: from 1.65M to 1.73M
3 bedrooms typical (36 units):109 meters
Price: 1.85M to 1.95M
3 bedrooms garden (20 units) : 109 meters + gardens from 60 to 191 meters
Price: 1.97M to 2.3M
Twins (28 units): 175 meters land areas from 136to 171 meters
Price: 3.7M to 3.9M
Twins (8 units): 195 meters
Land areas 205 meters
Price: 4.7M
V4TW Flat twin (8 units): 200 meters
Land area average 330 meters
Prices: average 5.4M
Villas V6( 14 units): 248 meters
Land area: average 275 meters
Price: from 4.9M to 5.7M
Villas V1( 7 units): 263 meters
Land area from 272 to 340
Price: from 6.5M to 6.8M
Payment Plan:
10% down payment
10% delivery
8 years installments
Delivery Sep 2022 (4.5 years)
Galala average prices:
1 bedroom + garden (4 units only): 60 meters + 60 meters garden
Price: 1.2 million
2 bedroom typical (8 units only):
96 meters
Price: from 1.65M to 1.73M
3 bedrooms typical (36 units):109 meters
Price: 1.85M to 1.95M
3 bedrooms garden (20 units) : 109 meters + gardens from 60 to 191 meters
Price: 1.97M to 2.3M
Twins (28 units): 175 meters land areas from 136to 171 meters
Price: 3.7M to 3.9M
Twins (8 units): 195 meters
Land areas 205 meters
Price: 4.7M
V4TW Flat twin (8 units): 200 meters
Land area average 330 meters
Prices: average 5.4M
Villas V6( 14 units): 248 meters
Land area: average 275 meters
Price: from 4.9M to 5.7M
Villas V1( 7 units): 263 meters
Land area from 272 to 340
Price: from 6.5M to 6.8M
Payment Plan:
10% down payment
10% delivery
8 years installments
Delivery Sep 2022 (4.5 years)